UFC UFC 111 Discussion (includes Spoilers)


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What are peoples thoughts on todays UFC event??
I was dissapointed that Mir lost, but Carwin to his credit looked awesome!
GSP had Hardy covered. Hardy had no answers for GSP's wrestling, no suprise.
Pelligrino looked great, was a very good fight.
WHat did you guys think?
Yeah I was devestated Mir got knocked the f out. Absolutely devestated, but what can you do. Carwin is a freaking wrecking machine. I think he will be a big chance of putting lesnar on the canvas as well.

Also look for Carwin cards to sky rocket in value. I saw one of the Kongp replacement Carwin autos on ebay go for 90 dollars, LOL I mean its a kongo replacement blue auto, there will be 1000 of these things out there soon.

As for hardy. I was never a fan of this fight. I didnt think he had done anywhere near enough to get a title shot. And im actually a fan of hardy. But anyway its done for all too see. It was always gonna end like that for him (badly). Big heart though to get through those submissions.

Pelligrino looked awesome. Miller was lucky, that could have gone either way. It was a good fight though, real close, Millere did awesomely well to get outta that 2nd round. And fitch was as boring as ever, but I just cant help myself, i love fitch lol. I respect his grind and workman blue collar performances. Not everyone can be a visual spectacle when they fight.
Fitch is not very exciting to watch and for that reason, I think he will struggle to get a title shot any time soon. Imagine if he won, the UFC would not want a champ that a lot of (most) people think is boring.

I think that Carwin has a great shot at beating Lesnar.
Carwin seems to wait until he lands one decent shot (not even a huge hit, just a decent one) then he follows it up with a barrage that never gives his opponent the chance to regain composure. Even if only every second/third hit gets through, it seems to be enough to take a real toll. With his size/strength, sooner or later he lands that really good one, that puts them to sleep! It is a great tactic that I have not seen done so effectively before (Baroni of old, springs to mind as being similar).

I like Mir, lots of people don't, but I enjoy watching him fight. Was a shame that the fight did not go for longer :(

I think I might have a Carwin auto on the way, as I recently redeemed a Congo auto.

I like Hardy too and almost felt sorry for him that his title shot came so early. He needed to fight a few more good wrestlers to give him any chance of solving the "GSP riddle".

To GSP's credit, his wrestling shot was quicker than Hardy's punches..... WTF???
The guy is a freak!
GSP sux! I'm not a hater but man his fights are garbage, any other fighter in the world would have his fights stood up and restarted or warned for
not enough action! 25 minutes on the canvas and he pulls out 2 submissions this is rubbish..the UFC are milking this run, as with fitch he is actually a good grinder he attacks when he takes his opponents down! And when you watch that fight he was doing so much more than GSP and he was stood up and restarted numerous times!

As for carwin (my fav in the HW div) wasn't suprised with that outcome I knew MIR would try and stand and bang....bring on lesnar! But did you see when lesnar and carwin stood in front of each other there was a huge size difference..but I think Carwin will KO him aswell in the 1st Randy was effective enough in take downs against lesnar and there was a 40pound weight difference so carwin should be alright..will be good to have a guy who has worked hard for his title shot to get in and win, not like Brock haha!

As for the miller v bocek...bocek won that all day no way miller won!

Pellegrino fight was insane, now that's a ground game!
the carwin auto. is that the strange looking one?? also bdean shouldn't you be going for carwin over mir with that red auto??
Yeah the strange looking carwin. I got mine in the post today, and ive gotta say it doesnt look any better in hand.

Mir would be in my top 5 of all time favorites, And i sold my red carwin ages ago to pay for some much needed blue autos. Pitty cause I probably could of got a lot more for it if i held onto it, but anyway thats the game.
Yeah the strange looking carwin. I got mine in the post today, and ive gotta say it doesnt look any better in hand.

Mir would be in my top 5 of all time favorites, And i sold my red carwin ages ago to pay for some much needed blue autos. Pitty cause I probably could of got a lot more for it if i held onto it, but anyway thats the game.

ok, my bad wasn't aware that you had sold it.
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