UD SPx break, NOT LIVE

Dr. Curlytek

PhD in "Things and Stuff"
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Just for fun, here is another box I got while over in the states. This was a decent break for an UD product, although without the auto it was probably pretty poor (I like the Bulls card as I saw these two in action while over there!)

hard luck, it seems recent box breaks are not great, hopefully members get more luck.
I like the b davis, pm me if your interested in a trade ;) .
Where? i didnt see any Dwight Cards :confused:

hahaah yeaa.. i was looking for Dwight Card as well...LOL.
Gerald Green is front runner, i think Howard and Thomas has something to prove today..

just lost, a couple of Dwight Howard cards a few minutes ago..his cards are now selling crazy... i am sure gerald green and ty thomoas will do the same...
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