that is a wild haul of impressive cards... lets all just complain on a massive level and we may just see some of the best cards in australia that ud still has in their inventory!
Yeh, my Bro told me there was a Lebron plexi-glass auto there, but he must of meant the Roy. As I said in the other thread, I should have waited for the photos first, he knows NOTHING about cards!!!
Kept the originals Slobby, which I think is why it makes it such a good haul. Obviously would have loevd the Durant Exquisites, but got a Durant auto, and a VERY nice one at that. Plus all the patches are awesome, all three colour sickness. Love the patch auto of Rose in particular.
Didnt do anything special people, just had pic of my Mrs cutesy smile on facebook, and MAGIC!!!! CARDS APPEARED!!!!
holy mother of ................ some sick sick cards u got there man. i love the Rose Exquisite player box AU Patch, the Beasley Ultimate AU Patch, and the Amare UD Black AU Patch is a cracker . good on ya