UD Box Breaks


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hey guys,

Hope you are all having a great start to the new year so far!

Here is my first breaks for the new year.

I busted open a box of 06-07 US Reserve, and also a tin of 06-07 UD SP Signature Edition.

I must say i am pretty happy with what i ended up with in both breaks.

Here are the highlights...

UD Reserve.

Flight team: Prince
UD Reserve Materials: Paul Pierce # 6/100 :thumbsup:
UD Game Jersey: Chris Paul

UD Reserve Signatures-Raja Bell
UD Legendary Signature- Spud Webb :D

Please let me know if you want any of these.

SP Sig now:

Base cards: Dwight Howard, and Sam Cassell

Signs of Success: Tyrus Thomas gold # 6/10 :woot:

Quite a good start to the new year, hoping plenting of good breaks to come.

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