Tyreke Evans and Ty Lawson


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added a tonne of new stuff to both collections. thanks to all i traded with so far and let me know if theres any more floating around on this site

tyreke evans
http://s1184.photobucket.com/albums/z340/as-close/PC CARDS/TYREKE EVANS/

ty lawson
http://s1184.photobucket.com/albums/z340/as-close/PC CARDS/TY LAWSON/

PLEASE let me know if you have any of the certified i am missing or if you know of any being sold. im aware of the fotg prime on ebay but its got thread hanging out of it so looking for a better one
Cracking start Ant!
There will be some great patches in a Tyreke PC! Good choice!
Off to a sensational start - slaughtering that Certified chase early on!
Very nice start to the PC! Nice work on the certified cards! I only need 2 more to have all the Taj Gibson's except for the 1/1s!
lots of new cards added. let me know of any ty or tyreke patch or auto cards you have or have seen.
got a fair few more coming in the next few days as well
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