Nice work mike...and while i believe you that you have completed the last name....
How do you know they both arent the second "E"....maybe you havent finished it after all...only doubled up.
.Only taking the piss mate....great work
andrew3134 - Thanks
Yeah, Extra Exquisite from the debut year, always nice
vinceaww - Thanks for the nice comments bud
Yeah, with certain cards Sp'ed, it sure will be interesting to see what I can peice together.
Ersk - Thanks bud
I got 14 Sene's. I am working on trying to do something with the Exquisites, will see what happens. But haven't got a set number in mind that I am going for.
i replied to one of your maildays 10 minutes ago and then i look at this mailday and i notice there is still no carrie and to top it all of you had to show that bird extra know how to really hurt a guy don't you mike no black either. other cards are great looking cards.thanks for sharing them but not the bird card