Tuesday - and more mail


Exq Auto Patches rule!
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Alrighty, one for the Sene PC:

Sene Redemption:


Your thinking about it already?????

That's right

Exquisite Time again!!!!!

Sene RC #225


Auto Patch - Noel - 3 colours :woot::woot:


Auto Patch - Foye - 3 colours :woot::woot::woot:


Haha Mike you're going to own a Sene Exquisite Rookie Monopoly!...Now you're just going to have to convince Ersk to give up his and it'll be all good :D haha Nice
steve-o - Thanks :D
Yeah, been very fortunate to have started early and get in before people started realising the series isn't as bad as waht people make them out to be.
How many Sene's? Count is at 9.

ace e - Me too!!!! My first dealings with them ever, so will be a learning experience. But if I get burnt on that 1 of 1, I won't be happy.....

scottsophie - Thanks :D

nandalinnaung - Thanks for the nice comments :D
Yes, Ersk has more crazy exquisite pick ups than me.

theflyinggerco - Thanks :D Will try.

Mrs aussie2Al - Thanks for the nice comments.
Yes, the auto patches are way nice than 05-06, but not the best IMO. I find the 04-05 are by far the best, this years has been a big improver on last years though. Very shiny.

nenjabin - I doubt that very much. #225 of these dude, and I ain't going for all of them.
:lol: Me and Ersk actually chatted about the card he won, so we wouldn't collide
Mike, really liking that Foye...and the Noel!


Thanks Matt :D

Yeah, when I first started on the quest again, I was so iffy about whether I wanted special patches or numbering. As I have so many of the darn things, and wasn't sure if I wanted another year of this. But in the end, just went for it.
Mate, thats what its all about....the chase...its great to find something you like and go after it.

Those exquisites look awesome.....cant wait to see more maildays!

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