stumbled across this when i was searching for box breaks on youtube...
anyways to me from what i gather it's cards a youtube user YouTube - kingofsteak's Channel who has made a small print card series of a whole bunch of youtube users who are traders or box breakers...i did message him to confirm if i was right or not just then
anyway going by the videos on youtube....these people go absolute nuts breaking these boxes or packs. really funny to see hey....almost as hysterical as somebody pulling a really really good b-ball card.
Here's what reply i got from the creator in regards to the cards...
"Yeah everyone on the cards is on youtube. well theres a few other people but all associated with youtube. and everyone in the set sends me their memorabilia and autographed stickers... and then I make the cards and then they get a box of the cards. One reason everyone gets in to them is most people in this 2nd series have been on youtue for quite some time now and we all know each other so its just fun."
I'm happy to do sketch cards if we do OZCT cards! haha fun idea thats what i like about it.
What a great vid!!!!
The guy busting the pack was super happy! Was good to hear how excited he got, he was obviously familiar with the dudes on the cards!
The cards look great, hard to believe that they are part of such a small/limited set. They look a lot better than some of the crap the big companies try and pass off!
I'm off to search for Tube Traders on youtube now!!