TTM Addresses'


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Hey guys, I was wondering what a TTM is? I have seen it mentioned a fair bit and was curious about it.
So you can post things you want signed through the mail to the player and get it signed? If so, what players mail addresses do you know of?
yeah thats how it works, you send them something with a filled out return envelope and if they're nice enough (which generally they are) you get it back signed.

i don't know of any addresses but im sure there are a few people on here who do. but you could try sending it to their club that usually works.

im sure someone else on here would be able to give you more info though, im more NRL / Soccer Based as opposed to cricket i just thought i'd let you know what TTM meant
Hey guys as you may have seen in another thread I got my Michael Clarke TTM back signed! I was hoping people would be able to start posting more addresses here that people can send to. :) Cheers in advance.
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