I like halloween. Every other day of the year i give a child some lollies the cops are all over me but today nobody blinks an eye
For the first time in my life just now, two kids knocked on our door trick or treating.. since when do kids do this in Australia?
All we had to give them were baby rice crackers.
lol.. now i sound like a grumpy old man. haha.
theres nothing wrong with the point of it all, and fair enough if they go to a fair bit of trouble.. but i reckon there would have been 50+ kids down my street tonight..
thats a lot of lollies and stuff, when they expect it.
im think of a good trick next year, that'll learn em.. ahhahaa
and yeah carl, i should have been giving out base. i have plenty of that crap. lol
As Jared Would Say.........Fear The Beard!
I'd be happy to swap the Queen's birthday holiday and make it a Halloween Holiday. If it's official then fair enough, if it's American and try to do it here, gtfo