Trading for Brandon Roy

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Hey guys!

Looking at starting a new PC and Brandon Roy is my choice!!!

Love his fundamentals as well as his little sparks of flash and old school finger rolls and moves!!!

So I have decided to start a Roy collection!

Please check my bucket and let me know what u have and also cards are available for sale also if you don't have any Roys!!

DA BUCKET: Trade or Sell pictures by rhysjsolomon - Photobucket

God bless

Re: Bucket for sale or trade for Brandon Roy

thys I have these:

Re: Bucket for sale or trade for Brandon Roy

Nice choice Rhys. I have also just started collecting Brandon Roy.
Re: Looking to trade for Brandon Roy

G'day Rhys,

I've got a Brandon Roy SP GU Significant Numbers /35 at home and will check to see what else I have too. It's yours if you'd like it. I'll have a look in your bucket but anything MJ, Starks, Kobe or Knicks is good by me....

Re: Looking to trade for Brandon Roy

thanx guys!

quick bump up!!!

looking to just trade at the moment! so let me know what u got and what I have that interests u!

even looking for base! and will trade for base also! thanx
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