Trade me your KCP and Dieng, base rookies and more... please??


Morrow Super Collector
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So hard to trade.... but considering I am open to trading almost anything in my bucket.... not just the trade folder.... and I am after everything from hoops base card to whatever else.... SURELY someone has some Kentavious Caldwell Pope and Gorgui Dieng they can trade me? Heck I will probably even trade in your favour! PLEASE TRADE :)
I have this...

It's on feebay for dirt cheap at the moment!!
Just sorted through my cards yesterday, got a bunch of 12-13 Hoops base for you, and I think I can track down a Dieng Pinnacle RC too. Keen?
Just sorted through my cards yesterday, got a bunch of 12-13 Hoops base for you, and I think I can track down a Dieng Pinnacle RC too. Keen?

Double check my updated wantlist, nto collecting teams any more just specific players - but yes keen on any of those :)
well I won that KCP Slimzy had, beautiful card in hand and thanks for the bonus KCP too bud! Now anyone else got me some KCP we can work out a deal for? :D
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