Too Many Cards?


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Being a 30-year old (hey, I'm in my prime!!), and a collector who was part of the hobby craze that stormed Aus back in the 90s as a kid who spent his hard earnt "pocket money", I've collected quite the amount of cards over my time, I think at once I had something around 10,000 cards before cleaning (read TOSSED OUT) out when it was time for me to "grow up" and move out from my parents' place.

Anyways, needless to say, over time, I've come and gone from collecting a few times.

But my point of this post, if there is in fact one, lol, was that based upon my two main PCs, (Charles Barkley & Devin Harris), I've re-obtained both players' checklists from Beckett since getting back into collecting, and I must say I'm a tad shocked of the amount of cards there are for Devin Harris. A player who's been around now for 10 years (damn, he's still a kid too! lol).

Get this right, Barkley played in the NBA for 16 years from '84 to 2000, whilst Dev Harris has been around since 04-05, and in comparing my two recent checklists, Barkley has a total of 1,378 cards in his checklist, and Harris a total of 1,445!!!!!


Ha ha! Now being a (semi) old school collector, you gotta ask these days, do companies over-produce cards, and possibly flood the market with their products? I mean, back in the day, we had a hand full of card companies, actually we had like 3 times (there abouts) more than we do these days, but the companies these days produce that many varieties of products that we seem to have an abundance of cards out there and more often than not, they're of the same players.

Now before I continue, don't get me wrong, supply and demand is what sells shit these days, so I more than understand the reasons behind the flooding, etc.

But, back then, we had say half a dozen base sets come out, and if they ran a series 2 along with the original release, we'd have 2 max cards of the same players, and they were usually the "stars" or Rookie players whom were not featured in the first release, or were featured in what some called sub-sets.

We were given our fair share of insert sets back in the day too, but nothing like today's variety of autos and "game used" (or mass-produced manufactured crap), which is not always a bad thing either, but with release after release of the often featured parallel variations of the same cards/sets, it no longer makes things "fun" for collectors, in my eyes, it becomes more about a lust for cards, rather than appreciating cards for what they are.

Now I say this from a personal level, as I've been through that "lust" stage where I just HAD to have certain cards that came out on ebay, etc. Nothing was ever a bad decision I feel in these collections, but looking now in what we're seeing be released, there just seems to be way too many releases, and most of which contain way too many varaitions of the same cards.

So, in short (LMFAO) is there simply too many cards these days for people to keep enjoying the hobby? Or is too many a good thing this time around?

Fuck my fingers are rooted.... ha ha!!
Lol I agree with a lot you're saying mate. I also feel like its so hard to chase every JR, so decided to get all his RC yr stuff and select new stuff. I also collect Kobe, needless to say that's impossible with Panini to get ALL his cards, so I again select the nicer ones. Spend more on nicer cards, and have a smaller pc. Quality, not quantity. Not sure if that makes sense, it's been a long night!!!
You have to understand that a good number of devin's cards are going to be Rookie year cards. There were something like 15-20 sets in his rookie year alone where as for sir charles there weren't fifteen to twenty products in a year until his career was winding down.
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