ozballer23 - Thanks matey
Yeah, just the use of a black marker with the pic used and the patch used makes it look really appealing
Lee42 - Thanks Matt
That is number 97 now.
aussiemjfreak - Thanks, very hpayy with both additions
Ersk - Thanks man
adhunt99 - Uuuhhhhhhh, very nice work indeed on that. I think you might be glad you picked that up, because who knows, maybe the 5th anniversary of Exquisite was actually the last.....
loafic - Thanks, it does make it stand out hey
Nemesis - Thanks for the nice comments
liamszaraz - Thanks, glad you enjoyed
slobbythegreat - Thanks
Yeah, even with the stretchy material, seen on many of the Exquisite cards now and in the past, it's still a patch.
The card companies use all differentparts of the jersey, as long as it's not the fabric bit, they call it a patch. Even when the paint over some silk type material in photoshoots they call patches