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Wow.. today was terrible.. it was so hot and humid this morning and I was sweating while I napped this arvo.. but now it's going crazy!!! Thunder and lightning here in Sydney! I love it though..

Any chance it goes on til tomorrow and we don't have to go to work? :P
Any chance it goes on til tomorrow and we don't have to go to work? :P

I wish mate! I could handle taking tomorrow off.

I'm a bit further up the coast, so I can expect to have a storm hit here later tonight. I love storms, but not the ones that wake you up at 1am!

Man your not wrong Kidd ! It is GOING OFF HERE !

Twice it hit a tree 50m from my house and made the LOUDEST BANG !

Awesome display of nature !
The wind has just picked up here and i can see lightning just south of hear and occasionally just hear thunder. I'm battening down the hatches!!
Certainly was a doozy of a storm.

Had me awake until about 1am......4 or 5 very close lightning strikes...


these are not my photos:

Some lightning tonight that i tried to capture in between getting wet and in trouble for not being home yet...
gallery here




We received one hell of a lightning show last night which shook the foundations, the power went out 2200 last night and only just turned it back on 10 mins ago. All our perishable goods are good for the bin after we did the shopping last night.:mad:

I have spent a few years living up north in the tropics and last nights lightning storm topped them all. I'm at the foothills of the Blue Mountains and it was extremely weird. Just to top it all off the wife and i were watching the movie THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH just before the power went out.:shock:
On Saturday arvo, I was in the car (in Preston, Melbourne) and saw a bolt of lightning strike the ground about 1 km up the street on which I was driving. A decent size flash at ground level when it 'hit', and afterwards I saw a puff of smoke. Pretty scary and awesome stuff. Then saw two fire engines travelling in that direction in the next 5 minutes...not sure what got hit, but I'm guessing it was flammable...
LOL, it was at least 1 km away, and you are pretty darn safe being inside a car in a thuderstorm (look up Faraday cage if you don't believe me). I wish I could buy a Powerball ticket when the draw is on (before the numbers are dropped of course), I have picked the Powerball before it comes out (while watching the draw) 2 out of three times in the last few weeks. I have "special (read, useless) powers".
Only just noticed this thread, but at my house the lightning was so frequent it was like switching the lights on and off at a rapid speed! Quite scary!
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