Throwbacks Box 2

I won't be home 'til 6:40 so GOODLUCK WITH THE BREAK DUDE! :)

I hope to see some major auto mojo when I log back in! WADE WADE WADE WADE WADE!!!!
Im here now. Good luck lets hope for three autos in the next one!

I hope all our boxes from OC are as good as the first one you busted!
Pack 1: K Malone Nostalgia #D 928/1985
Base: K-Mart, Bibby

Pack 2: Cool, Andre Iguodola GU #D443/499 :)
Base: Nowitzki & Nash
Pack 3: All base, doubles (3 packs have had Reggie and J-O'Neal)

Pack 4: J-Rich Defining Authentics :)

OK start so far!
Pack 5: All base all doubles, wonder if I have the complete set?

Pack 6: All base all doubles again.
Pack 7: Melo Nostalgic 229/2003 :)

Pack 8: Kris Humphries Hardwood Classic Auto #D213/249 :P
Nice looking style card , but average player, and there goes my auto!

Lets beat those odds!
Thanks for all the kind words guys!

Pack 9: K-Mart Defining Authentics #D 12/99 Double his jersey! (just mailed this card to Cath, and now I have it back!, that looks like all my GU! :( )

Pack 10: Zach Randolph Gol#d 42/50

CAn't complain considering my first box!
Pack 11: Base: J-Will, Amare, AK47 (must have the set now?)

Pack 12: All base

Pack 13: All base, this one had 3 fillers in it!
Last 2!

Pack 14: My first RC Beno Udrih #D18/50

Last one: All base

And there you have it! The first box saved the day! Fun product and some nice looking redemptions to boot!
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