Thought it was time I did another JO mailday


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Have not been able to scan the cards that arrived while I was away and those that have come in lately as our computer that had the scanner connected to it ceased working whilke I was away and we have only just got back.

Was also too lazy to set the scanner up to the laptop.

So without boring you any further here are the latest additions

Will start with an auto from Crown Royale. Have the jersey numbered version incoming


Now for some jersey numbered stuff

A nice parallel


A studio auto #'d to 25


A nice Threads Patch #'d to 25


An e-topps auto that came with a COA


Another buy back with nice low numbering. Got this for a good price thanks to help from Shawnbradleyfan


and to finish a nice National Treasures logotag


Thanks for looking
Gotta like the on card autos - and the 1/1 logoman is a pretty decent card too..... ;-)
Mate, your JO PC just gets better and bettr! Love the NT Logo! Love the Etopps and the Buyback too mate! Quality pickups all round!
Nice haul there Garth! That 2/2 buyback is a killer and beauty 1/1 logotag mate, look forward to seeing the rest :)
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