This really was a great day for one basketball fan .

Where is the "LOVE" button. Admittedly I am an emotional guy but this brought a tear to my eye. Two champion human beings (coach and opposition player) deserve huge praise for making this happen.
this is what life about , in my work i fight day in day out for people with disabilities to be understood to be treated the same as everyone else. is what life should be. i take it to every one who reads this , to every day whether it be big or small gesture/ good deed , to go out of your way and help some one in need. even just a smile or a wave can go a long way to bettering the place we live in and make some one else feel like they belong to:hearts:
i was just going to show this video to some friends, now its been taken down due to a CBS copyright act, FU CBS!

hmmm.. im sure i can find another copy of it i guess

edit: found it
i was just going to show this video to some friends, now its been taken down due to a CBS copyright act, FU CBS!

hmmm.. im sure i can find another copy of it i guess

edit: found it

thanks great job bro :thumbsup: . i was actually about to put it on facebook for a few who wanted to see it cheers perfect timing .
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