nice A grade ball sweat rags right there Graeme! and ouch on the customs charge. And i guess Cousins is built like a brick poo box after all, 4xl man put a pole inside the short and have a family camp out!
Unfortunately I have no control over that and it's never on the package when I receive it, so I assume it was the full price plus postage for both items (they charge for postage on every item then credit the additional back {after you chase them up}) - so these (Derons) would have been in the $400-500NZ range. Part of the problem is that customs suck and consider these 'clothing' so there's a lower allowance, it was a mission just to get them to drop the clothing duty, it's just a case of whether you're lucky or not as to whether they pick them up as clothing and charge for them, or let them through. The Cousins were not taxed, they came straight though.