The psychology of Best Offer


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Found this experience interesting and could be a lesson to all...

I have my friend's last cards with me to sell for him. He also let me use his ebay account to do so too. I have posted a thread with them on some forums and listed a couple of the best ones on ebay. Here's where it gets interesting...

He told me that he would be happy with anything above $300 for his card, however I knew it was rare and would be pretty popular, so I put it on ebay for $1100 or best offer, expecting to get something around $500 for it. This is the psychology part - people never tend to make their first offer their best, hence the high initial asking price.
Got a couple of $300 offers, a $400 one and a $650 one. Was pretty stoked with the $650 so countered the other ones with $700, expecting them to reject and then I would accept the $650 one. I didn't want to counter that one incase he rejected the counter and we lost the good offer. One of the $700 ones accepted, sweet!

Then Mr $650 messaged and said he would pay more, even be willing to pay $1000 (which is just $100 less than the BIN...?).

I said sorry, it had already sold and shipped, but gave him the buyer ID so he could try to acquire it from them, he messaged me back saying that they wouldn't even accept his $1000.

This is the tricky part - I had no idea that wasn't his BEST offer (he didn't include any message), and didn't want to risk losing it. However he has lost out because he didn't offer what he was willing to pay - kind of a catch 22 situation.

My advice to anyone putting in offers is to make sure you state if you offer is the best you can do, so the seller knows not to waste time countering you if you can't go any higher. Everybody wants to pay less for something than they have to, so it's understandable making an offer of less, but you also risk having it swiped away for less than you would be willing to pay!
If it's a must have item, I usually don't bother the risk of it selling. If it's an item I think is good for the BIN, I'll usually just offer a slightly bit less then the BIN just so I feel like I'm getting a steal. Sometimes I'll throw a low BIN on something that I don't really thinking I'd buy otherwise and if a seller counter offers I usually just decline and move on, but if they do accept, it's like a little bonus :)
Good thread.

1. If i'm sending an offer on a card I MIGHT want, I'll decide on my low ball, my best and get an average/mid-price. I'll never send the lowball, i'll send halfway between the low and the mid-price, then with my next offer I'll jump up another quarter (this is getting confusing:whistle: lol), then if that fails I'll send my best.

2. If I really want it/need it, my first offer will be my best or i'll click BIN.
Haha an interesting twist on this - I knew that someone on a forum had one of these cards so I asked him initially about the value. He said he got his for about $350 and would give $420 for this one. He also make the $500 offer on ebay. After Mr $650 was offering $1000 I contacted that guy and said that if he wanted to cash in, I could give him the ID of Mr $650. His reply made me laugh - he said that this card was way too rare and $1000 wouldn't be worth it!
The nerve/cheek....
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