The past 2 months of pickups....


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Been so overwhelmingly busy these past 2 months that I now finally get a chance to get these results up. Finishing up with exams at school and moving back home to Traverse City for the summer along with some spur of the moments events I graphed IP, I now finally have a chance to get these up.

I guess I will start with the Gibraltar results I had back in early April:

One weekend back downstate at school, my mom came down to visit me. My mom came to see how I was doing and all that at school. Well when it was all said and done, my mom ended up joining me at the Gibraltar card show. She ended up getting me a box of 06-07 SP Game-Used that was marked on sale. I also picked up some individual cards along the way at this show. I will start with those pickups first:

Now here are the results from a box break of 06-07 SP Game Used that I did thanks to my mom getting me this box!!!:

Still got more to come gang more to come....

From looking at a card shop in Ypsilanti, I was able to pick these up for my PC:

This all covers the downstate part of everything I got the past 2 months.

Just recently moved back home to Traverse City for the summer since I am done with school for the summer. While I was out and about this past week, I decided to go into the local cardshop up here in town. I also ran into threebearfan since he now resides up here in TC at this time. Before I share the pack results, I will share the pickups I got outside the pack results:

That was all I decided on getting before I did packs. Only other cards not scanned are a Tom Brady and a Manny Ramirez card for my PC.

While browsing around what this shop has, I decided on a few packs of the new Topps Luxury Box that is out for this season. Here are the overall results of the few packs that I busted out of Luxury Box:

That covers everything I did packwise this past week up in town.

I also met up with threebearfan and did a couple trades with him. Here is what I got in those trades:

What is not scanned that I also got since this is a forum for basketball pickups only is a Jason Varitek GU and another Manny Ramirez GU that are obviously going into my Red Sox PC since I am a Red Sox fan. Thanks to threebearfan for the awesome deals!!!

Last Friday once I got home from some errands I had to run, I drove by the front of the house like I normally do and I noticed a package that was left at the front door of the house. I went and checked it and sure enough it was addressed to me from Upper Deck.

Got a note stating this:

Then I get the same damaged card sent back to me I wanted them to replace:

And then, I got 2 complementary SP Authentic Basketball packs. I did have another major hit in one of the 2 packs and here is the scan of that big hit:

It only gets better after this card lol.

Then I saw a plastic case enclosed in plastic tape of what looked like was another card. When I was finally able to get it open, out came this card:

Real shocked about this pickup obviously!!! This is the biggest shocking card I got for this past week!!!

Alright this covers the past 2 months of pickups I had overall!!! I will look forward to reading all of your comments you all might have. I am now back home in Northern Michigan for the summer. Thanks alot for looking!!!
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