Panini Blog The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2018 Illusions Football (100+ Images)

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Sometimes, the phrase “new and improved” is little more than trumped-up marketing speak intended to imply that a product is, well, new and improved even if it might not be. But other times, like with Panini America’s 2018 Illusions Football, just about everything is new. As a result, the overall product is much improved over the 2017 edition — something collectors will discover firsthand when the product arrives in hobby shops across North America on Wednesday.

When we say “just about everything” is new in 2018 Illusions Football, that’s exactly what we mean. There are new Ink Color Variations in the Rookie Endorsements insert. Base-set Rookie Cards are new. Every slabbed card is an autograph this year. That’s new. There are new parallels . . . new insert parallels . . . new autograph Acetate inserts. On average, each hobby box of 2018 Illusions Football (five cards per pack, 10 packs per box, eight boxes per inner case, two inner cases per master case) will deliver one autographed memorabilia card, two autograph cards (including one as a silver-wrapped box topper), two memorabilia cards, six base parallels, three insert parallels and five inserts.

2018 Illusions Football also mark the first product to feature Panini America’s 2018 Kickoff promotion.

In the revealing Quality Control Gallery below, we showcase many of the hits that surfaced during the recent packout process. Enjoy the sneak peek and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for additional coverage.

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