Panini Blog The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2016 Pantheon Baseball (100+ Sweet Pics)

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Panini America’s 2016 Pantheon Baseball arrives in hobby shops across North America on Wednesday equipped with a completely different makeup than any other baseball product the company has ever produced. There are no current stars or hot rookies or potential-laden prospects. Instead, 2016 Pantheon Baseball is filled with nothing but the game’s greatest legends, Hall of Famers and most popular characters from the past.

The new product also is filled with nothing but hits. Every eight-card pack delivers eight autograph or memorabilia cards from an arresting lineup featuring cool insert names such as Rudiarius, Gallant Gloves, Noble Timber, Honored and Privileged, Decade Deities, Chronicled Cuts, Arena Acclaimed and so much more. And just as compelling as the insert names and concepts are the striking designs.

In the revealing Quality Control Gallery that follows, we offer a deep dive into 2016 Pantheon Baseball. Enjoy the sneak peek and stay tuned next week for continued coverage.


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