Truth be told, if this particular blog post included everything that Panini America’s new 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball had to offer, you’d still be reading it this time next week when the product goes live. But for the purposes of showcasing what must be considered one of the greatest NBA Hoops releases ever, we’re going to preview just a little bit of everything.
The ballyhooed first NBA release of the new season, 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball is a must-have hit parade for hardcore hoops fans, featuring great photography, new Rookie Cards (and rookie autographs), new inserts, captivating parallels, old faces in new places, high entertainment value and serious bang for the buck. In fact, envision the perfect way to begin a new collecting season and, chances are, 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball is it.
Boasting a reconfigured, more-traditional packaging format (12 cards per pack, 24 packs per box), each hobby box of 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball delivers two autographs, one memorabilia card and the first licensed RCs of the celebrated 2014 NBA Draft Class. The product includes a fabled stable of parallels (such as Artist Proofs and Cracked Ice), base, autograph and memorabilia checklists featuring the league’s greatest players (past, present and always) and so much more.
The Panini America Basketball Product Development team has spent the better part of this week conducting the Quality Control process for the product, resulting in the following must-see preview gallery. Enjoy this extended — and quite glorious — sneak peek at 2014-15 NBA Hoops Basketball and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage.