Panini Blog The Panini America Quality Control Gallery: 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey (81 Pics)

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Following a few days of live Quality Control updates chronicling the packout highlights from one case 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey, today we have a more controlled QC gallery documenting the hits from the second case. Before we rushed the pulls from both cases back into the production run, we grabbed some sweet images of them to showcase what anxious hockey collectors might expect when the product goes live next week.

Even though we’ve shown you bits and pieces of the captivating catchall creation that is 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey during the last few days, you’re still going to see something new in the gallery that follows. Sure, we provide requisite peeks of the never-gets-old Silhouettes, Prizms and Titanium RCs, but we also present some of the sweet Contenders inclusions, too.

So enjoy this last pre-release peek at the product and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance early next week for additional coverage of 2012-13 Rookie Anthology Hockey.


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