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Looks like Panini America’s recent acquisition of former Beckett Media Senior Market Analyst Tim Trout is already paying dividends. After all, it was Trout who late last Friday evening*brought to light the fact that he’d spent all day at the Panini America printing facility*helping QC 2011-12 Pinnacle Hockey.
Had Trout*not said anything, the following gallery detailing 34 images from the process might have slipped completely under the radar. Thanks to him, it*didn’t. It’s a good thing, too. Check the images after the jump to see why.
As you’ll see,*Pinnacle Hockey returns for a new season delivering*a highly entertaining selection of base-card imagery, the beloved Nufex technology (for which a scanner simply can’t do justice), the unique Starting Six memorabilia cards and a healthy array pop-culture personalities dotting the popular Fans of the Game insert.
The product began shipping today and should be live everywhere December 21, just in time for the passionate hockey collectors on your holiday wish list. Until then, enjoy these exclusive first glimpses of the product.

Read more over at the Panini Blog...