The Official Lost Season 2 Thread


Ricky Davis Collector
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Well i have now seen every episode of season two and without spoiling the season it is MUST watch television. The season finale blows Season 1's finale out of the water.
Well we seem to have an Official OC and Amazing Race thread so i thought id start a thread for people to talk lost and give their recpas and thoughts of the lost episodes that air every thursday.

Personally this is the best TV show going around and all the Island Mysteries and the main components that have so far been introduced to this season; "The Numbers, The Dharma Initiative and the Others just get better and more interesting as the season rolls on.

If you thought you knew what was going on in LOST, think again ;)
Alot is revealed in this season and you are going to love it.
well enough of my opinions and praise.
what are your thoughts on last weeks episode?

I like lost but i seem to get bored with it going no saying that i havent seen the whole season, so i guess it is leading to something big.

Also, the whole black smoke thing was stupid!!
I was hooked on season one! but after a bit of season two (nz is behind) I am getting bored like DVS said.... its going nowhere and is getting repetitive! If the finale is anything like Metallica says.. I bet I will be hooked again! :)
so much is revealed, like how the plane crashed on the island, who are the others? among many other things.
I must admit probally about the 4th episode to the 13/14 it is a little bit slow but it really picks up and i thought the ending was sensational.
man i had no idea what was goin on, then i watched it again closely and read some recaps.

Shhhhhh! I have only seen up to episode 21, my broadband has reached it's limit for the month. :(
I havent told you anything, just what you will find out, not how?
I've seen all the prisonbreak s1 too and the last 2 episodes of that is one of the best season ending's i have EVER seen.

i just need 4 episodes of OC and i got all the eps of my three favourite shows.
broadband has reached my limit, im on 10 GB
MetallicA' said:
I havent told you anything, just what you will find out, not how?
I've seen all the prisonbreak s1 too and the last 2 episodes of that is one of the best season ending's i have EVER seen.

i just need 4 episodes of OC and i got all the eps of my three favourite shows.
broadband has reached my limit, im on 10 GB

you listen to metal but love watching the OC?! :rolleyes:

ah Jonno, you so crazy! :lol:

but on topic, out of all the 'big' shows on telly, Lost would be the best hands down. i cant stand the OC, desperate housewives, prison break etc etc.

i reckon the producers dont have any idea where the story is heading, i reckon they make it up as they go. i cant see it going much longer though, i think 1-2 more seasons and thats it.
Damn you Kyle! I'm only up to Prison Break 21 too! :(

Never got into The OC, go One Tree Hill! :p

My favourites are Lost, Prison Break, Alias, One Tree Hill and Survivor. Surface isn't too bad and Hesit looks good, but only seen the first episode.
oh, forgot to mention veronica mars, that rocks! and also this one show i caught on channel 9 a while back late one night called Wonderfalls i think? that was an awesome show from what i saw of it, anyway back to the topic...:)
JZA you watch Veroncia Mars and listen to Metal :rolleyes:
Jvalles Kyle is magicman, :lol:
man 21 and 22 are the best episodes of the season 'it will blow you away'
JZA Prisonbreak owns \m/

ps. JJ Abrams and Lindelof must know were lost is going because i heard somewhere the show may go for 7 seasons
Jvalles Kyle is magicman,
Woops, I knew that!

Lets hope it doesn't get stupid, and it gets axed before then. Was devastated when Alias got axed! They had planned for Melissa George to come back in the 10th season, now its axed in its 5th season! :(
well back on topic :)

i missed the last episode of Lost on Ch7. WHat happened?
want to know what episode australia is up to!
i know you seen the monster in Mr Eko's episode and charlies episode wasnt long ago and sawyers long con episode has also been aired.
what happened in the last episode and whos flashback was it?
was about Sayid's past again....then some guy landed on the island claiming he was in a hot air balloon and they crashed......then they took the guy from the balloon to the hatch and Sayid interrogated him and bashed the crap out of him..Sayid believes he is an "other"....then at the very end of the show the counter for the computer the whole "pressing the button" went down to zero and a combination started to form, it got down to the final piece then Locke entered the numbers in and it went back to 108 minutes...(I looked up what those symbols mean but don't want to ruin it for you)
i also looked up the lithographs and i dont think it is regarded as a spoiler because after the episode it said visit the site to find out what they mean.
One means 'Cause of Death' or something.
The Sayid episode is 14 and this weeks is 15 of course.
There are 24 episodes in the season. This week episode is a very good one that is sure to please =D>
what do you guys think is LOST all about anyway? what are your thoughts on it...i mean like where is this story taking us??...why are they on this island.. whats the go?......if any of you seen the movie "Identity" i have a feeling its a bit like that....wat do you guys think?
I watched the finale on the weekend and like before there were some things answered and even more things still left to ponder. This show blows my mind. Just when you think there's a logical and reasonable explaination for something, your theories are thrown back at you. I think I can see where it's going but there's still so much unexplained. Lost = cool.
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