Went to the Sydney BlueSox game vs the Local Baseball All Stars tonight and had an great time.
They had a short delay when one of the light towers blacked out and what made it special was 2 of the BlueSox players decided it would be time to show my son (who is 4) how to pitch in the Bluesox bullpen.....he loved it and they gave him the ball to keep.
Then not long after the game restarted... I was on my phone to my wife when Trent Oeltjen was batting. Next thing I know I had a foul ball coming straight at me...... missed me by about a foot and scored the ball as a souvenir.
Not a bad way to end the night.....oh and the Bluesox won!
Nice one we attended the Aces Vs Essendon Scrimmage match on Friday October 25th
I didn't finish work till 6:30 so we drove an hour and half, finally got to Melbourne Ballpark, Altona at nearly 8:30 pm was miserable weather, freezing was thinking maybe it was a bad idea coming, game was half over, then just as we walked in the gate a foul ball came flying over the back, landing in the corner where we were standing lol so my husband grabbed it and gave it to me, made it worth the drive down that little bit more