Very happy to work out a deal with a seller for this one, thought I would miss it cause the price was high, stoked it didn't sell and he came back to me with an offer I couldn't refuse
IMO better than a logoman, with the release of 09-10 SPGU Logomen of KG #d/18 this stands out to me as truly priceless
Don't get me wrong, a logoman would be nice, but for around $400+ they are a bit pricey now, especially with UD putting Timberwolves LogoMEN in Celtics cards in the 09-10 product. So that's why I'd rather have this, infinitely rarer, rookie year sick tag, LOVE it!
thats really really really good!
can't say i get jealous much of people's PC if I don't collect the same players, but I don't collect KG and I am 100% jealous
i prefer that to the /18 logomen too Matt! Actually I would even prefer that to a /2 logomen.
thats really really really good!
can't say i get jealous much of people's PC if I don't collect the same players, but I don't collect KG and I am 100% jealous
i prefer that to the /18 logomen too Matt! Actually I would even prefer that to a /2 logomen.