I just received 6 blasters of baseball cards - entry level from Topps, UD and Fleer 2006 & 2007.
I sat down in my rumpus room with my two daughters (3 & 4yo) and my son (8 yo) and proceeded to bust away.
What a blast (pardon the pun) we had. The excitement of the girls just opening the packs and not knowing what the cards even were and the joy when my son pulled a simple insert was fantastic. Even more exiting was when they pulled a Yankees card (they all know the Yankees are Dad's team) was the best. But running around the room when they pulled a Derek Jeter common (I collect Jeter) topped it off.
The floor look great with wrappers and cards all over the place.
It really brought back home why we collect cards. For the fun of it.
Sorry if the post bored you but the some of you out there will know what I mean.
Thats a great story mate, really good to hear the kids loving. Im sure some of the members with small children will have similar stories; I personally remember opening footy stickers with my old man and having a ball. Man, that was years ago im getting old
That is what collecting is all about.... busting packs & getting enjoyment out of it... rather than getting all peeved because you didnt get a GU card....
from a parents POV... really bad getting your kids into busting packs at such a young age... they will spend all their pocket money buying cards
Sounds good, I can remember as well when my old man used to support me and my brother with our hobbies. We didn't need any encouragement to spend our entire pocket money on packs lol! Still can't believe we would spend $5 on a pack of 93-94 Upper Deck series 2
good times!
Ahhh yes, I remember a couple years ago when I was buying boxes of AFL... my mum would help me bust packs, or buy a couple off me at retail price and bust them and try and get some nice cards for my sisters... that was a fun time.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I LOVED nothing more than busting my arse each fortnight doing chores, to get $20 bucks and be taken to the Newsagency to blow it all on a dozen or so packs. Man that was great.
I'd get home, rip em open, put the base into my folder and try to fill the set, and the same with any of the inserts.
It was fantastic, and I'm glad you and your kids had such a blast, that's what it SHOULD be about for them.
Unfortunately, these days, it's never about pulling commons, and stuff, it's always about hitting the homer on pulling a 1/1, and MJ Auto, or some other "HIT" from whatever it is we're busting.
While reality is always the bitch, the memories will always be the anti-bitch.