The Ex COVID-19 Troll thread: 2019-2024 Sniffles Edition - Now a general funnies thread!

Got it last week on Saturday…. Went down hill quick around lunchtime with a headache and temp by Sunday lunchtime was back to about 80% and by Tuesday was like I never had it and was back in the office working. Was exactly like I had it when I got it in 2021 and nothing more than any other 24/48 hour cold people used to get.

And to think we gave up 2 years of our lives for it
Well shit……

Know of at least 4 people affected by these shots.

1) My workmates wife had first 1 - suffered severe blood clotting ended up in emergency. Then had a second shot - same thing including 4 days in emergency. Had to do it to stay employed!

2) Co-worker had 1 shot, few days later lost sight in his eye and his arm lost 50% of its strength - didn't have any more. Had to retire.

3) A relative has had 2 shots and 3 boosters (they "trust" there doctor) has been sick non stop ever since the first one. Almost like his immune system is now destroyed.

4) My wife's co-worker dropped dead at age 44 after having a booster shot a month prior - was in perfect health otherwise.
You didn’t get any ???? Do you work for yourself to give you that choice or how did it go for you at the time Matt - any flack?

Nope. I've had every other shot up until that point....... didn't trust these ones at all given the short space of time between start of Covid and when they were being pushed out.

Had to work from home longer than others (NSW had slightly less strict rules around it), missed one family holiday and had some people calling me various names cause I wouldn't fall in line with what everyone else was doing.

I was supposed to be dead by now by not having them.......but have had Covid twice and was nothing more than a 24hour cold/flu/headache.

I have no issues with anyone else having 1/2/4 or 50 shots if they want.... everyone should do what they feel best for themselves and their family but for me it was a risk I was more than willing to take and I have never regretted it once.

So jealous - I was wary but still got the minimum required - it was such coercive bullshit - “we’ll allow you back outside and to travel” etc

I don’t even know if I’ve had Covid yet - main worry is the ticking time bomb potentially inside people now. A lot of factors it seems - batch number, which manufacturer, health history etc etc - it’s just pretty terrible to few tricked. A lot of people have woken up from this