The Best Box Ive ever busted so far.......09/10 Panini Contenders


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I cannot recall why I stopped at cardzone and bought this for doubled price.
Three rookie autos:
James Johnson
Jeff Teague
BJ Mullens






That's f**king all I got. Sorry for no pics but wasting of scans indeed. Apparently brain burnt i was.
haha double priced? u sure it wasn't triple priced, sorry bout your bust man, dont stress your next one should make up for it
that sucks man. yeah i was there the other day to get some urgent tempted to buy a box just coz its there in front of me...but i resisted the urge!!!!
Ouch ! that must've been hard to take.

Remember next time you are about to hand over two times what a box is worth and a little voice inside you head says 'why am I doing this', for gods sake listen to that voice!
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