WoobieZarz OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 148 0 0 Apr 6, 2006 #1 This is hilarious!!! http://www.nba.com/media/mavericks/Avery_Bunch.wmv
Funkadelic On Again, Off Again.. Feedback - 100% 184 0 0 Apr 6, 2006 #2 "And Mark Cuban as The Owner" *wink* Thats a crack up. Avery's acting job is a riot. If they ever need a short black man in a movie to 'look around', he'd get the job. Very funny
"And Mark Cuban as The Owner" *wink* Thats a crack up. Avery's acting job is a riot. If they ever need a short black man in a movie to 'look around', he'd get the job. Very funny
JZA the ginger ninja Feedback - 100% 88 0 0 Apr 6, 2006 #3 oh shit thats classic! the mark cuban big gay wink at the end was the capper. watching some of the players looking around, you can tell theyre thinking to themselves "this is the lamest point of my entire career"
oh shit thats classic! the mark cuban big gay wink at the end was the capper. watching some of the players looking around, you can tell theyre thinking to themselves "this is the lamest point of my entire career"
clarkescards OzCards Greatest Hero!!!! Feedback - 100% 91 0 0 Apr 6, 2006 #4 That is friggin' awesome. I reckon more teams should do stuff like this. Absolutely hilarious.
WoobieZarz OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 148 0 0 Apr 6, 2006 #5 There's a couple others on the mavs website just scroll about halfway down. One called Diop Diop and another called Game Day.
There's a couple others on the mavs website just scroll about halfway down. One called Diop Diop and another called Game Day.
clarkescards OzCards Greatest Hero!!!! Feedback - 100% 91 0 0 Apr 7, 2006 #6 I remeber the Adelaide WNBL girls doing a similar type video before the final series, and that was pretty cool too.
I remeber the Adelaide WNBL girls doing a similar type video before the final series, and that was pretty cool too.