The Amare 1 Collection Begins


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I've been deciding a way to keep interested in collecting Basketball cards, after seeing vivo87's thread the other day about collecting Chandler jersey number cards I have decided to do the same. So i'll be chasing all Amare Stoudemire 1/xxx cards in Knicks uniform only.

My first and so far only jersey numbered is 1/10 Timeless Treasures Auto. Had this card for a while but never posted it up.


Love jersey numbered stuff as well, need to see what Mash I have (around 20 I reckon)
Good luck with the chase, very nice start!
Yeeeeeeah!!! Good on ya mate, jump on the jersey numbered bandwagon I say! Something different and has you looking out each day for those pesky jersey numbered cards hiding around the joint! Def have to say it's kept me searching and you don't jump at every new card on eBay which is what I used to do. Great card to start with to mate, hopefully one of many to come!!! :thumbsup:
Nice choice, I'm really hoping to see STAT shine this coming season without Chandler on deck, would be great for his career to get back on track.

GL with the jersey number chase, being #1 it's always a toughie with dedicated player collectors out there.
Be interesting to see if the Knicks hang onto him or deal his expiring contract - I hope they hang onto him so it keeps you interested in collecting! Good thing about players with #1 jersey is that you can collect all the 1/1s and SPs too.
Nice card. With him being jersey number 1, you'll have plenty of selections out there for jersey numbered pick ups.
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