This was my first PC card for the 21 collection for 2010 and after a miserable run in 09 of only 19 #21 cards I'm off to a hot start!!!!
This card is definitely spoiler worthy....but alas no spoilers
AND it's got foil my collecting brothers!!!!!!
They didn't bother counterfeiting those puppies!!!!
Got sent to me in a white envelope inside a Xmas card!!!!
Which leads me seamlessly onto my next #21 card.....
My Xmas present to myself from myself for being such a great guy
Merry Xmas Al...
Goes pretty well with this one here....
That's my 15th jersey numbered KG auto and a beautiful full auto and pic too. Even my wife likes it and she hates cards...
Only 16 now till I get to the 150 mark....I'm thinking of getting a sharpie and just writing 21 on a few - taking me ages....
Thanks for the commints guys - I actually already had the Cissill/KG dual but it mitchis up will with the new significince one......How's that for ya Slobby ya w&**(&()a!!!
look one word mate ............... ........... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant see how u could better these cards other than being jersey #ed. true jersey #ed too for that year with #21. ive noticed some KG's cards selling lately with him wearing his new Celtics #5 number Uniform and the card is numbered 21/** and people writing their jersey numbered. but in the pic it shows him with his #5 jersey on. so would they be jersey numbered?? Or would the true jersey numberd be 5/** instead of 21/**?? and the cards with him in his old Wolves #21 uniform would have to be #ed21/** and not 5/**. is that correct?? thought id actually ask u since u know ur stuff with this kind of thing. cheers, and keep up the great work. still loved ur beckett publication spot that time, shows the quality of your collection mate . STEVE
look one word mate ............... ........... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant see how u could better these cards other than being jersey #ed. true jersey #ed too for that year with #21. ive noticed some KG's cards selling lately with him wearing his new Celtics #5 number Uniform and the card is numbered 21/** and people writing their jersey numbered. but in the pic it shows him with his #5 jersey on. so would they be jersey numbered?? Or would the true jersey numberd be 5/** instead of 21/**?? and the cards with him in his old Wolves #21 uniform would have to be #ed21/** and not 5/**. is that correct?? thought id actually ask u since u know ur stuff with this kind of thing. cheers, and keep up the great work. still loved ur beckett publication spot that time, shows the quality of your collection mate . STEVE
Thanks for the commints guys - I actually already had the Cissill/KG dual but it mitchis up will with the new significince one......How's that for ya Slobby ya w&**(&()a!!!