Discovered that my free-to-air telly reception is shit, so hopefully after the Wildcats/Taipans NBL game tonight (half time right now), the game will be on Fox Sports 2.
Else, it's no game for me...
And it's been a brilliant game so far too!! Last I saw, tied 4-4 first Game.
On DVD???? Let ya know after I've watched the recording (about to watch Mr & Mrs Smith) - I get to watch Angelina while Danni gets to watch some bloke.....
Well, kinda left the recording on over night, from about 7pm last night, to about 6am this morning.... I know that the whole Roddick match should be on there, that was on for AGES last night. Just hope the womens' match was on after it......
On Fox Sports 2 mate. After the NBL game last night, it showed highlights, and matches from the days' tennis.
So HOPEFULLY, it had Sharapova/Hantuchova match.
My free to air telly reception is shit, this is why I watch DVDs and Austar, never see normal telly these days! Yet our reception in the loungeroom is spot on...???