Technical Help Needed - VGA Cable


Chasin' Chandler
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Hey guys I've been out and bought a VGA Monitor cable to connect my Samsung monitor to my plasma tv and thought it would be as easy as just pluging them in...apparently not lol . So I've looked at the back of my monitor and the only slot to plug anything in is a RGB slot so will that work with my VGA slot or not? Any help would be awesome! :v:
Silly question but why are you trying to connect a monitor to a tv? Makes more sense to go directly from pc to tv
Haha I dunno man the chick at Dick Smith told me I should do it that way...should I have got a Digital Video to VGA?
Chick at Dick Smiths needs her head read depending on your video card and tv you could have a few options. If your card yas more than one output you are laughing.

Vga-vga (pc to tv)
Vga splitter (pc to tv and monitor

Hdmi-hdmi (pc to tv)
Hdmi splitter (pc to monitor and tv)
there's your problem dude. the chick at dick smith prob really doesnt know whats going on..

what type of monitor is it?

desktop pc to tv?
Yeah when I asked her I was slightly suss! It's a Samsung SyncMaster 226bw monitor and yeah desktop to my plasma tv.

I currently have a VGA cable and the only port in my pc is a Digitel Video output and my tv has a VGA input. With that info could you tell me what else I need or do I need to swap it over for something else or buy a converter...
Just grab a vga-dvi adapter for the back of the telly take the cable back and grab a dvi cable as from your post one of those will fit in the pc. Make sure you grab the proper adapter sex though or you will have more issues :D
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