Panini Blog
Panini Blog
As the 2016 football collecting season winds down (last week’s release of 2016 National Treasures Football will make way for a 2016 Flawless Football finale in the next few weeks), a new season begins. Tomorrow, in fact, with the release of 2017 Elite Draft Picks Collegiate Football. The first licensed 2017 football product is an autograph-heavy showcase of 2017 NFL Draft prospects that also provides a fitting nod to the NFL’s biggest superstars and legends from their college days.
The debut edition of Elite Draft Picks Collegiate Football arrives in five-pack hobby boxes that deliver, on average, 30 base cards (NFL veterans in their college uniforms), 30 Draft Picks, four parallels, five inserts and five autographs. But as you’ll see in the Teaser Gallery that follows, some boxes deliver a bonus sixth autograph.
So sit back and enjoy as we take you pack by pack through three early boxes of 2017 Elite Draft Picks Collegiate Football.
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