Panini Blog
Panini Blog
In this collecting age of specialty products tailored specifically to different interests, a good, old-fashioned every-collector type of release — especially one with great photography, lots of color, lots of inserts, an affordable SRP, tough chase cards, tons of Rookie Cards and a strong autograph roster — can seem like a revolutionary idea. For proof, look no farther than 2013-14 Panini Basketball.
Releasing tomorrow, Panini America’s newest NBA release has a lot to offer in its 24-pack boxes, including two autographs, 48 Rookie Cards and some of the coolest insert photography (see the Bird’s Eye View and Preparation inserts) you’ve likely seen in a while. Because of all of that, a box also delivers a lot fun.
The following gallery delivers a front-row seat to one 24-pack box. Enjoy the scenery and stay tuned to The Knight’s Lance for continued coverage of 2013-14 Panini Basketball.
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