Panini Blog
Panini Blog
Our sincere apologies if this edition of The Knight’s Lance Teaser Gallery is a little bit behind schedule. But in the interest of full disclosure, please know that the marketing allotment of 2013 USA Baseball Champions just arrived this afternoon. You can expect what promises to be a riveting episode of Panini Unwrapped in the next day or so; but until then, this gallery will take you pack-by-pack through one randomly selected hobby box.
As you’ll see below, Panini America’s 2013 USA Baseball Champions provides something of an organization history lesson in every box, featuring the greatest players ever to wear the red, white and blue as well as many of USA Baseball’s most promising current stars. The product delivers hits in bunches (this particular box yielded three autographs, three memorabilia cards and a mesmerizing array of the first USA Baseball Certified inserts ever produced) and should be a welcome arrival for the organization’s many diehard fans.
Enjoy this 24-pack preview and stay tuned for additional coverage of 2013 USA Baseball Champions.
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