the card lay-out looks good this year and have you noticed that with teamcoach they always seem to put the same people in every year they need to change it up
the card lay-out looks good this year and have you noticed that with teamcoach they always seem to put the same people in every year they need to change it up
They generally do, Ash. They mainly just put in the popular players from each club and then anyone else has had a good season the one before the cards are released. Also, the better teams have more players then the bad teams, but then again the Victorian clubs are favoured over the rest.
Thanks for that. Looks like defenders have 1%ers instead of tackles on their cards this year. Premiership photos are back to being on the golds instead of the back of the commons. Must say I quite like the design of the commons this year!
I find in annoying that GWS and Sydney only have 13 cards even though they finished higher than Hawthorn (15) and West Coast (14).
I like the idea of having 1%ers for the defenders as it shows how good some of the key defenders are that don't lay many tackles.
Hopefully they are released Monday or Tuesday.