Tasmania here i come!


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Yes im going on a holiday right before i start my new job!

The place is Tasmania, been there before on a couple of occasions, really is a lovely place nice and quiet. Looking to do a little fishing and then heading down to Port Arthur for a ghost tour :) . Staying in Hobart, havnt stayed there before so should be cool!

Taking the car on the boat over should be fun. Ill be away as of this Friday through to next Thursday guys. So party away!!! ;)
Enjoy! Check out some of the lovely old growth forest for me :) As a Forester I'd love to see it but haven't had a chance yet.
Hey there, I am from Tassie, of course now in Canberra... If you drive you should go down the east coast rather than the midlands if you can... Far nicer drive but does take a bit longer.

When you go to Port Arthur on the ghost tour they'll talk about the Reverend George Eastman, he was my great great great grandfather ;) his house is one of the most 'haunted' places in Australia :eek:

If ya need any info on Tassie just let me know :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the info guys!!!

Im all packed and ready to go, leaving bout 3ish... gotta drive into Melb beat the rush hour traffic.

So everyone be good and keep safe :)
Ha ha ha, my eyes deceiving me. Too much going on.

But if it's STOPPING:

Do people drive less than 40 going thru Lonnie? Let alone STOP...
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