Tap N Play full signature set + Lee Jersey cards

Pulled a lot of them myself and traded to get a couple. I had a good run this year. Makes up for other years where I have come up with zero after spending a small fortune on them. I remember Select 09/10, where I bought hundreds of packs plus a few sealed boxes and didn't get a single signature redemption, and they were a lot easier to get than these ones.....

It's funny with the luck i had with the sig cards, I only pulled a couple of medal winners - need Smith, Kallis and Behrendorff still with Lanning medal card as a trader.

Great to hear your MOJO. I have had zero luck with this release but in saying that I haven't over invested either. Maybe 50 loose packets all up
Great to hear your MOJO. I have had zero luck with this release but in saying that I haven't over invested either. Maybe 50 loose packets all up
I have had to purchase all the high end cards.
Bought 6 boxes at release and easily 100-150 loose packets along with group breaks ($200-$300 worth) and did not hit anything more than a superstar.
Awesome set! Wish I had done the same with the redemptions. I've now got 5x #07 and 3x #11.