Can’t wait to see your results. So much nostalgia right there.
Like Hornso 1993-94 Upper Deck was what pulled me in. The iconic Jordan base (below) in particular. Such a crisp clean base card design throughout, with awesome in game action photography on each base. I also loved the stats on the back of each card.
That being said, if I had to pick my absolute favourite base design it would have to be 1993-94 Topps Finest. When they came out they blew my young teenage mind. The colours! The Chrome technology! Unlike anything else that had ever come out til that point. I can still quite happily stare at this set for hours.
Best of luck with the break. Hope you pull some real gems.
These baseball sets are absolutely ridiculous. With 800 or so cards in a base set, no wonder the packs back then were dirt cheap otherwise you'd go broke trying to put a set together!