Suprise jersey numbered mailday...Not Melo!!


Knicks Baby!!
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You're all probably wondering why i, an avid Carmelo collector, would have a jersey numbered card of someone other then Melo?!?!? Well on ;)

i was recently outbid on a card when my old computer crashed just as it was finishing, but to my amazement another one was listed a few days later. I barely even looked at the numbering etc as i knew i had to have it as it was pretty rare!!

Well anyway...i ended up winning it pretty cheaply for what it is and i gets it in the mail today and i realise that it is jersey numbered.....

you're probably wondering what it is so.......


06'07 Exquisite Dual Enshrinements Auto Melo/JR Smith #01/10 :woot:

and yeah...obviously jersey numbered to JR's number :D didn't even take notice when i was bidding, so yeah... pretty happy :)

this pickup also completes my collection of Melo's cards in this subset joining the dual with Hakim Warrick i picked up a few weeks ago..


...and the dual with Lebron i picked up a few months ago ;)

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