Have the following cards for sale. Just looking to clear them out. Nothing too expensive. Just soot me a pm of what you want. I will also throw in common cards of players you collect for every sale. Thanks guys
Artifacts R. Alston 12/100 (jersey number)
Artifacts Oscar Robertson Legendary Legacies /999
Artifacts H O lajuwon Legendary Legacies /999
Artifacts Lebron box topper
Artifacts Roy box topper
Artifacts Kobe box topper
Topps Luxury RC - Have 95% of the players drafted for sale. Mostly $ - $2 each
Topps Luxury Star player parallels /329 - J Rich, Starbury, Dominque Wilkins
Topps Luxury Star player parallels /499 - Billups, Dirk, Arenas, Gasol
Jordan artifacts and brewer are gone.
Pending - Big Ben and nate artifacts patchs
ak-47/jrich/o'bryant tripple jsy
rondo jsy auto
Luxury box quad jsy duncan
Bogut SP game used authentic fabrics
Luxury box AK47, Nene, Garnett miles and lewis jersey
Jordan artifacts
brewer auto jersey
Luxury box quad jersey duncan