Stupid question...need help!!!

Allstar cards inc

"Got one more than Shaq!"
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I remember there being a thread on people removing cards from PSA holders...from memory using pliers or something similar ro crack the case.
I've just got a card in the mail today that I'd prefer wasn't in the case and need someone to either show me the thread or remind me how it was done!!!:woot:
You could always use my method Marcus, have someone from USPS get it jammed into the mail sorter to sheer the edge of the case off for you. Then it will split quite easily! lol
Pliers and a screwdriver!

Might work easier with a drill too, to get up started. Less chance of slipping and bending a corner of a card.
PSA holders are much easier to crack open. Same idea, just break the seal up the top near the flip (the paper inside the holder with the info and grade on it) and then you should be able to pry it apart pretty easily. The case frosts where you pry it open so you can't put the case back together without it looking obvious :)
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