G GoMoto OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 566 0 0 Jun 11, 2018 #1 Only a avaliable at the game. NSW on one side and QLD on the other $5 each delivered folded in a envelop or add $10 to be sent in a tube. l have a few avaliable. Cheers Ming
Only a avaliable at the game. NSW on one side and QLD on the other $5 each delivered folded in a envelop or add $10 to be sent in a tube. l have a few avaliable. Cheers Ming
R Richard OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 71 0 0 Jun 11, 2018 #2 Are these different to the ones in the news paper before the game? Am interested if they are different
Are these different to the ones in the news paper before the game? Am interested if they are different