Star Rookie mail


Hakeem"the dream"Olajuwon
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Pick'd up a few Star rookies

allrookie team


missed out on one of these when I was going to bid upto $40 but forgot when the auction ended. 3 days later scored this in a BIN $70 or Near offer.
Offered him $30 and bingo

Also got in a few Star cards all up for trade
BOWIE- you all remember the bloke that was picked over Jordan, right?

Plus some allrookies like the Hakeem
Kevin Willis 2nd team
Alvin Robertson 2nd team
Tim McCormick 2nd team
Otis Thorpe 2nd team
Fern Fleming 2nd team
Sam Perkins 1st team
Great mailday! Love the old star sets!

We have that much vintage coming through these days we almost need a section just for vintage!

great looking mailday for pc, the allrookie team card is nice looking card and love the action pic in the card below it.
Another great Hakeem mailday!
This is probably a stupid question but why on the Star cards do they have Akeem and on the more present day cards like the SP Signs they have Hakeem, is it an error on the Star cards? :confused:
Another great Hakeem mailday!
This is probably a stupid question but why on the Star cards do they have Akeem and on the more present day cards like the SP Signs they have Hakeem, is it an error on the Star cards? :confused:

Nope, it's to do with the whole muslim deal. He was born Hakeem but never really got into the whole churchy thing in his teenage years so he ran Akeem up until the 90-91, where he dedicated himself back into his muslim faith. So change his name back to his muslim name Hakeem.
So it's just like the whole Ali deal.
great mail day.just love the old school.and can people stop showing old school as the more i see of them the more i want to chase them.
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