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NBA Collector
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I'm a big collector of sprewell and have a rather large collection, i didn't have this card tho... http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI...MEBI:IT&viewitem=&item=150114188844&rd=1&rd=1

half the reason i collect him is because he is affordable...aparently not

this card is listed $5BV yet went for heaps. There were a heap more for auction tonight aswell and a lot of those went double and triple BV aswell.

Are his cards taking off???

Time to list my doubles of him if there bringing those sorta prices.
nice profit for the seller of that one if the bv is $5. Goes to show BV doesn't mean much if a buyer really wants the card!
I have also noticed the prices can go way over bv if the bv isn't listed in the description. I need to remember that next time!
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